To control over your digital visibility

Digital analysis
for result-driven actions

Take control of your digital visibility

In order to create effective strategies and implement the right improvement measures, a solid foundation of data is crucial. We can help you map your current situation and identify potential paths forward. We can conduct a comprehensive digital analysis that captures your digital presence and visibility across all channels.

We can also tailor narrower analyses if desired. For example, we can analyze your organic visibility (SEM/SEO) or search engine advertising (SEM/SEA) strategies. If you want to reach out through Social Media Marketing, we offer analyses of your current status and future opportunities on all major social media platforms.

Customized analysis for you

Complete digital analysis

  • Complete digital analysis
    If you want to have a comprehensive understanding of your digital visibility, we recommend a complete digital analysis. This analysis collects and evaluates data from various channels regarding your digital presence and status. A complete digital analysis provides an excellent foundation for future strategies and investments in increasing digital visibility.

SEM/SEO analysis from Askås

  • SEM/SEO analysis
    Through an SEO analysis, you will gain a basic understanding of your SEO and organic visibility. We identify the strengths, weaknesses, and components that may be missing from your e-commerce. The insights and knowledge provided by the analysis form the basis of a detailed SEO report with proposed actions and, if desired, a quote for a subsequent SEO project. More about SEO

SEM/SEA analysis with Askås

  • SEM/SEA analysis
    Working with paid advertising through Google and other search engines is an effective way to increase visibility and drive traffic to your e-commerce. In our initial analysis, we review your previous advertising efforts and assess how you have worked with advertising. We conduct keyword analysis, identify areas for improvement, and lay the foundation for a future strategy. More about SEM/SEA

Social Media analysis from Askås

  • Social Media analysis
    Advertising through Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms is more or less necessary to reach new customers and engage existing ones. Analyzing data from your own advertising, competitor advertising, and evaluating future opportunities will provide the foundation for a successful strategy and improved ROI.
    More about Social Media Marketing

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