
Copy product information

Copy accurate information from one product to one or multiple products and save time.
Copy product information in the group Features at Askås I&R AB (askas_0039)

Copy product information and save time and money

Quick and seamless functionality to copy information from one product to one or multiple products. You choose the product/item from which you want to retrieve information and specify the type of information.

It can involve product descriptions, images, brands, article groups, and much more. Then, you specify one or several products to which the information should be copied.

Benefits of Copying Product Information

SIMPLE. Choose the product from which information should be retrieved, select the type of information, and specify the products to which it should be copied.

POWERFUL. Various types of information can be copied, such as texts, images, article groups, brands, and more.

FLEXIBLE. You can choose whether the information, such as product images, should be copied to all language versions or only to a specific language.

  • More information

    Askås Information Manager

    AIM, Askås Information Manager, contains integrated and innovative technology for managing different types of information. AIM is a comprehensive package of features regarding content, information, texts, and especially automatic translations.

    In addition to Copying Product Information, the following features are included.

    Askås Translation API
    An area that is immensely important but often time-consuming is working with texts, content, and translations. With AIM and the integrated features to directly order translations of information and texts within the platform, we have created something completely new that simplifies the daily routine for all e-retailers.

    Internal information search

    Functionality to search and compare information divided into different languages. You can quickly locate what is missing and take actions. You can make changes directly within the feature, and there is also the option to export a CSV file that you can supplement, modify, and correct before importing the information back into the system.

    Dynamic change log
    The change log is an automated version history and log that registers changes of various types of information fields for articles, article groups, and brands. The change log provides a clear overview and traceability of performed changes.

    Copying product information is fundamental functionality in all versions of Askås e-commerce platform as part of Askås Information Manager.

  • Costs

    Copying product information is a fundamental feature in all versions of Askås e-commerce platform as part of Askås Information Manager.

    Contact Askås for more information: 0533-69 16 00.

See more features

Askås Translation Service

Integrated functionality to order translations of information and texts through Askås Translation Service.

Dynamic Change Log

Function that records changes in various types of information fields for articles, article groups, and brands.

Internal Information Search

Functionality to search and compare information divided into different languages.

Return Management System

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