
Visibility on Google

Ads, Search, Display, Shopping

Google Advertising with Profitability in Focus

Google is an essential tool for the majority of e-commerce customers. 90 percent of Swedes perform a Google search before making a purchase. Through Search Engine Advertising (SEA) on Google, you can reach both customers actively searching for your products and advertise broadly to strengthen your brand.

We can assist you in creating effective, brand-building, and conversion-focused paid marketing through Google's various advertising options: Google Search, Google Display, Google Shopping, and Google Video (YouTube).

Google Search - Keyword Advertising

Keyword advertising with Google Ads is an effective way to drive traffic to your website and generate sales.

We can offer you the assistance of Google-certified search engine consultants to create new advertising or take over and improve your current keyword advertising.

Properly managed and set up, keyword advertising is a precise and cost-effective way to attract customers.

Google Display - Reach and low click costs

Wide exposure and low click costs. These are the most evident advantages of publishing ad banners in Google's Display Network.

Compared to keyword advertising that targets potential customers who have searched for specific keywords, display ads reach a broader audience. You can quickly build your brand with high exposure and low click costs.

Display ads in Google's network are a perfect complement to more targeted keyword advertising.


Google Shopping

Displaying your products at the exact moment when a customer has performed a search and is likely close to making a purchase. This is the significant advantage of advertising through Google Shopping. Considering that these ads are shown to customers in the midst of their buying journey, Google Shopping serves as both a direct sales channel and a marketing tool.

We can assist you in getting started with Google Shopping and also evaluate the results while continually working on your campaigns.

Google Video - Youtube

High reach, excellent measurability, and cost-effectiveness. These are three factors that make Youtube a perfect channel if you want to reach out and engage a broad audience.

Youtube is owned by Google, and therefore, advertising can be managed through Google Ads. We can assist you in creating and structuring optimal video ads to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time.

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