General terms
General terms for delivery of services
These general terms and conditions constitute contractual terms between Askås I&R AB and its customers for all the services that Askås provides to the Customer. Additional terms and product description for each service are stated in a specific service agreement. Together and separately, these documents, where applicable together with agreements on Additional Services, constitute the "Agreement". If there are conflicting information in the Service Agreement, the Service Agreement takes precedence over these General Terms and Conditions.
Delivery of E-commerce platform, Web tools and other Cloud Services
Askås applies the IT & Telekomföretagens terms and conditions "General provisions Cloud Services version 2023" for delivery of cloud services such as e-commerce platform, newsletter services, websites, web hosting, servers and related modules.
Delivery of services such as UX etc.
Askås applies the IT & Telekomföretagens terms and conditions "General provisions Cloud Services version 2023" for the delivery of services such as front-end development, back-end development and other related consulting services.
Personal data agreement
Askås' customer is the Personal Data Manager, to which Askås is the Personal Data Assistant. To regulate the conditions for the processing of personal data, Askås applies the IT & Telekomföretagens "Special provisions for the processing of personal data in connection with Cloud Services" on which the Personal Data Assistant Agreement is based.
Contact and distribution of terms
Askås are according to the terms from IT & Telekomföretagen not entitled to publish the above-mentioned terms and conditions generally available on the website. Contact our Finance department at ekonomi@askas.se if you want information about any of the general terms and conditions in their complete form.